Monday, October 13, 2008

The Massacre of Redhouse

It was just another night in encinitas with the dean family: act one enter: ekka, danimal dean, dennis dean, max brown, mike spent and sacred jimmy. These are the best of the north county punks, the first wave of the punk rock rejects from the social system of north county. On that summer night in 82 they were all gathering at moonlite beach to join in the regular night of insane-o wacked out summer crazyness that permeated the north coast of san diego back in the early 80's. Most of the original crew are now dead!.... or in rehabs, jails or insane asylums. The Redhouse massacre party was a great destructo punk party that ended in complete anarchy. It all started when we heard the sheriff's pig department was going on strike.... a dream come true for the encinitas anarcho punks bent with the idea of destroying anything that resembles the status quo in encinitas.... this was our dream!.... but the elite social captalists of the money system won out and destroyed our small beach town with custom built million dollar homes made for and by outsiders who made large sums of money at our expense and destroyed the feeling of a small california beach town.

The party started out pretty tame at first until the beer started to flow, then it went totally off the charts with the dean family going insane in the living room; dennis and danny doing slam wall dancing with the pooddle being thrown up to the ceiling to see who could get the highest boot marks on the wall without breaking their neck. In the kitchen were a group of diana dean's highschool friends who were oblivious to all the leather beach punks going mad in the living room, all the jocks looked like purial momma boys, but they were keen on diana and were afraid of the large number of leather clad punks and dared not to fuck with her brothers dennis and danny.

Things started to get boring so the deans' up'd the ante with window slam dancing.... for the squares out there this means slamming into each other to be propelled up onto the wall and around the glass window without getting cut to shreds; a real fun punk game indigenous of the encinitas punks. Things were going good with the poodle leaving his trail of boot marks high and wide of the window.... poodle was a real acrobat when he was drunk and tonight was no different than the rest of his drunken punk nights. Danimal was now up and there was sure to be a tragic end to the window slamming. Danny started running full force towards the window jumping high and getting air but at the last second he got hit by a punk pit reject and careened straight through the window falling 6 ft onto the front lawn with his right forearm almost cut in half. I was standing outside drinking beer with some punks when this happened and remember thinking; this is fucked up and it looks like the dean family is going to the hospital, so i headed for the the liquor store, i hate hospitals. So like i stumble down to the Beach & Clown liquor store and get a bottle of wild turkey, and i'm sitting there enjoying my bottle and the lack of sheriff pigs when this dodge polaris loaded with punkers comes out of nowhere doing about 90 miles hour and slams on the brakes and turns its wheels doing a 360 inside the Dst intersection, the polaris comes to a grinding halt as the engine rumbles and beer bottles fly out the windows, i can see poodle at the wheel yelling.... fuckin sacred get in the car..... this was encinitas at its best; no pigs, no tourists, no hippies, just the original crew of north county punks!

Some of the original crew:

Danimal Dean, Dennis Dean, Diana Dean, Mike Spent, Sacred Jimmy, Max Brown, John Murray, Henry Trejho, Poodle, Mike Marr, Mark Sainz, Huey, Mark Fraytag, Susanna, Kim Gomez, Trina Holiday, Trixie, Tina Toilet, Kevin Castillo, Daryl Hall, Tom Porter, JP Lawrence, Mess, Dirwood, Ricky Girl, Skindell, Gail Murray, Dawn Damage, Lisa Mohawk, Ekka, Bill Hipsley and Willie the Bum.... plus many others that have faded away....

Some of the Original Bands:

Sacred Lies, Spent Idols, White Trash, Scrap Bois, and Manifest Destiny.